In preparing your Workshop Proposal, be sure to answer all questions. Incomplete proposals will result in delaying the Workshop Committee review process.

General Information and Format

This Interactive Session is a time in which skills or concepts are taught, demonstrated, or explored. These sessions are scheduled for 45 minutes and should be structured so that some explanatory or introductory information is provided, with ample time for audience interaction, participation, and involvement.

What does a Workshop Session look like?

Workshop Sessions involve extensive interaction between presenters and participants around an idea or hands-on experience of a practice. These sessions may also take the form of a crafted panel, staged conversation, dialogue, or debate – all involving substantial interaction with the audience.
Appropriate considerations for this Session format may include, for example: a workshop, demonstration, performance, exhibition, staged conversation, debate, or extended dialogue with the audience.

Workshop Visual Aids

All Workshop Session rooms will be equipped with laptop and projectors. Conference delegates can bring their own laptop computers. If you are a Mac user, please be sure to bring the correct Mac VGA adaptor and MacBook.


If your study require to provide handouts (summarizing background, methodology, or other information to supplement your presentation), 10-15 copies is a good estimate. Please be advised that prepare these materials in advance of the conference date.


The 45-minute Workshop is an interactive session; the key is to include audience participation as much as possible. Be sure your session engages your audience and involves them in as many aspects of your presentation as possible.


These sessions are scheduled for 30 minutes and should be structured so that some explanatory or introductory information is provided, with ample time for audience interaction, participation, and involvement.


Provide evaluation form to the participants for their feedback and reviews about the session.
For proposal submission, please contact us at: